Resisting Sleep Stealers
There are crazy goings on in my mind Stealing Sleep. Am I fazed? Nope! I have a cunning plan but I would like and appreciate your feedback.
I need to make clear two points in my mind.
First there’s the political vilification of disabled people and in particular, those who are disabled. ‘They’ have plans to force all disabled people into work from home. Fair enough if you have the sort of disability that doesn’t affect or hasn't affected you mentally or developmentally.
It has always been that in society in general, people on social welfare have been labelled as lazy and unwilling to work. Admittedly, there are some with that sort of attitude but the majority of people would never actually want to be dependant on a system which over time can become a prison of sorts trapping you there.
I’m not going to go into more than that. Its way too big a topic and not what I want to talk to you about which brings us to the next point I want to get straight in my head.
Which is this, with election looming in the near future, all agendas are now in that direction (targeting disabled folk), scoring brownie points to win votes.
If you have been following the YouTube channel (Blue Garden Cottage), you will know that since about 2015, we have been on a self-reliance journey trying to find any ‘from home’ types of work we could do to regain our independence. I have in the last year found a few online entrepreneurial and content creation ideas for income that could just work but will take time.
In 2015 I had no skills to start with. I turned to YouTube, the internet, self-reliance courses and books to learn all I could. I have already begun implementing a few of them.
Progress is slow just because well, I'm in my 50s and have never been fortunate enough to be able to afford and embrace most technology so my skill set is still beginner. The problem is we can no longer do slow.
You already know about my books and planners/journals but something quicker needs to happen in the mean time.
Why? My main bugbear being I don’t want any politician claiming credit for our hard work and all the time we put into our self-reliance goals. There is no way I will put up with any of them claiming THEY got us off the dole in any way!
So what AM I going to do?
Here’s the good stuff... The last week of the year is always my personal annual review and planning week. I look at everything I planned before, have achieved and what my goals are but alter and adjust allowing for these types of things.
Some of the ideas I have had to speed up our escape from the dole are (on top of the already planned merchandising and drop shipping, for which I have already signed up to Prodigi) Podcasting, blogging, affiliate marketing and writing books and courses. Oh, and there's more.
I toyed with signing up to Patreon but couldn’t think of what I have of value to offer patrons. Maybe I could offer free recipes every quarter and first pages or chapter of any book before they are published. Maybe free PDFs as I create them before selling them. Your feedback and suggestions here are appreciated.
I have a PayPal account so folks could always donate but then again, that’s like handouts and it really is important to EARN our self-reliance.
Then there’s affiliate marketing whereby when I use a product, I can review, share and link it in the description boxes of the platforms I use and Pinterest and when a viewer or reader clicks on it, I get a commission from the affiliated company if I can get onto their programs. That’s the issue. Many companies like their affiliates to have a large following. I'm still new at it.
All products I review or link to would be appropriate to homesteading, homemaking, crafting and self-reliance or entrepreneurship.
I still want to create online courses too.
What do you think?
· Join Patreon
· Get into affiliate marketing
· Get blogging and podcasting and monetise them
· Grow my platforms and a fair few more things which I'll keep you updated on.
Then I need to be the entrepreneur and business woman that I am while at the same time and most importantly, be of value to YOU all.
I want to offer you value, inspiration and transformation getting you from where you are to where you want to be in your self-reliance efforts, whether you are stuck in the system or not.
That’s where I need your feedback and input. All products I create need to be useful to and wanted by you. What would they be?
Also, your continued support on all the platforms ( blogs, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and the podcasts) would really make a difference. Subscribe, share, comment and like.
I am sure there are good politicians not all hell-bent on inhuman policies. But you can help us break free from the dole. I appreciate you all immensely and your encouragement, feedback and support has always been MY inspiration.
In return for your interest, we will continue to share our self-reliance journey, share our progress and hopefully help others in the same position.
Speaking of politicians, I do not want any one of them claiming credit for our hard work in perusing our self-reliance. It will NOT be down to their policies, tactics and election campaigns.
It will be down to our own efforts and the continued support and contributions of the people who have been generous in sharing their experiences, skills, knowledge, feedback and encouragement. People like you. Instead of the politicians, YOU get the credit.
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