2) How do I prioritise what's most important?
First Things First
By Sindy Wakeham
1st Things 1st!
If you want to make changes in your
self-reliance, what’s more important than thinking ‘job’?
Would it be getting qualifications?
How about a CV? Nope, none of those.
What does ‘1st things 1st’
even mean?
To me it means the most important
things come first. It also means bringing things back to the most basic
foundations and then moving forward. Of course that looks different for
everyone but for me, I go back to myself.
It’s that zone thing in
Permaculture. Zone one in me would be my mind, heart, spirit and mindset
followed by my physical health. Then my choices and actions and how they affect
my home and family (zone 2), then my wider community (zone 3) and so on.
Self-reliance encompasses personal
health and wellbeing, managing home and family, managing finances, work and
recreation. It means doing all I can to
provide for myself and family the necessities of life and more.
It also means finding ways to be
able to do that with freedom from enslavement either to debt or to society by
way of Social Welfare.
Please don’t get me wrong, if you
follow my YouTube
channels and have read my book,
you know that for many years hubby and I have out of necessity been reliant on
social welfare in between jobs even if in work as a top-up for wages that fall
beneath that which we could live off.
I am so very grateful for such a
system that has supported us in our need but that is exactly what it is
supposed to be, in times of need and when there is no other choice.
We are supposed to use it only until
we make a way or regain our ability to provide for ourselves financially. Many
people are unfortunately in a position like degenerative conditions or those whose
physical health or disability will never change and the family needing to care
for them, who may need to rely on
the system for the rest of their lives.
That’s a different situation. I
fully intend paying my taxes in order to help look after those people as part
of my duty to God and my community being the country in which I live, to care
for those in need. I know I can do that in other ways but for me, paying taxes
is about more than that.
It is also about contributing to the
society in which I live and it’s vital services. Now don’t think me naive...I
know that no politician, national government or local council uses our taxes in
the right way nor for the benefit of the people. But that is not my
responsibility except when it comes to voting...don’t get me started on that!
My idea of responsibility comes from
zone 1.
Back to 1st things 1st; which for me starts with my
conscience and beliefs? It boils down to mindset and also faith. In the last
decade, Mindset and particularly Abundance Mindset has become popular and
fashionable. It looks like it’ll be around for a long time and so it should be.
It’s not new. It’s been around since
the beginning of thought. Mindset is connected to a universal law, The Law of
the Harvest which is also called the law of attraction, the law of abundance,
Karma. “What you give is what you get”. Anyone else remembers hearing that as a
child? How about, “Twinkle, twinkle little star, what you say is what you are”?
I’m not going into all the details
of Abundant Mindset but will summarise it by saying that there are two sides, negative
and positive or scarcity (poverty) and abundance. The law of the harvest
dictating that if you foster negative or poverty mindset attitudes and actions,
that’s exactly what you get. The same goes for positive and abundant mindset
and actions. Not only do you get what you give...you get it back in abundance.
Think about it this way, you plant a
seed and get back many seeds from that one seed grown into a plant that gives
you back more than you sowed. You plant a fruit tree and it gives you fruit for
many years if tended and cared for in the right way. That’s the law of the
harvest and it applies to everything we do and think.
There’s an order in which to do
these things, a best way of doing it because there are many ways to do anything
and that best way could be different for everyone.
With that in mind, 1st
things 1st means to get my mind in the right place. What’s my WHY?
What are mine and my family’s needs? What do I have and need? What are my skill
sets and what do I love doing?
Sometimes external factors affect
how or when you can move forward and sometimes you need to work on more than
one aspect at a time. It helps if those aspects are connected.
Like for me, financial self-reliance
is vital and urgent but I didn’t seem to get it right for years, until I
determined to set my home in order and my health and wellbeing first.
Now I’m taking those things into
hand. I’m starting my day with spiritual matters, gratitude, reading my
scriptures, meditating, prayer and then my physical health by moving with Pilates
and then I get stuck into my business start up that cannot be done during the
day when looking after family takes priority (yes, I wake between 3 and 4am). After
all that, I tackle housework, homesteading and family needs.
Since doing that, things are finally
moving forward. That’s my ‘1st
things 1st’. What does
yours look like? How do you prioritize your most important things in order to
make your self-reliance work?
I’d love to hear from you.
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