15) Escaping Social Welfare Series #3. Who's the Boss of You? Qualifying My Efforts.


The whole purpose of finding a way of making an income online for me was to regain financial self-reliance and freedom. The urgency I felt almost 10 years ago (yes...that long) was because I wanted to make sure no politician ever claims credit for mine and my husband’s efforts for gaining that freedom.

Motivation Stagnation. What's Going On?

After so long learning, experimenting, trial and error, I have come to a point where the usual just isn’t working and I’ve yet again hit a brick wall. Paralyzed by the new urgency due to imminent policy changes, that feeling of being a rabbit in the headlights, frozen, is exactly what I have been experiencing. Time’s almost up and that freedom is so close but I’m still struggling. Will I reach the goal in time?

Another pain point I have is that I cannot in any qualified way guide others to their freedom until I get there myself. It’s no longer good enough just sharing my mindset practices and opinions but I need to begin implementing some accountability milestones to force a more speedy achievement.  

There’s nothing like having to answer to someone to really put the pressure on and putting the pressure on is sometimes the only way to get on with stuff!

So What’s the hold-up?

I just realised that we are already two months past the time I normally do a semi-annual ‘self-assessment’ of my goals, efforts and progress. I had to go back and watch my videos on YouTube regarding the assessment time and the “I’m the Boss of Me” video.

After all, how can I know if I’m still heading in the decided direction if I don’t frequently check my compass?  Where is my destination, what is my route, am I still on track and is my destination goal still in view? That’s basically my self-assessment system.

What have I done then?

I went back to my YouTube channel and watched that video. I reminded myself that I’m the one responsible for me. It’s up to me what I do and how I get it done. Coupled with the Abundant Mindset learning I’ve been doing since then, it’s also up to me how well I do in reaching goals. I get to choose. How amazing is that!?I already have freedom to choose, now to use it wisely.

How am I Taking Action?

  1. Get my 'self-assessment' done, create Eisenhower Matrix (here's a great video on how to use it) and goal prioritising and organising.
  2. Call Inland Revenue to check I have the correct Tax Residency Certificate to finally monetise my blog.
  3. Get the schedules done for the next 3 months of content, blog and podcast creations.
 Put it all into action and keep going. All that in one week! I can't move forward until I've got that done.

What’s The Value of a Deadline?

Deadlines put the pressure on and psychologically, we humans tend to make more progress when we have a clear timescale and task goal to achieve it. Have you ever procrastinated doing something only to realise you're out of time and you sharpish get cracking and it's done? Maybe it's not as polished as it could have been with using time more wisely, but you get it done.

My deadline is NOW! This very week.

I'm getting urgent as the situation is for our household. Time's up and due to the imminent DWP changes that will affect us, I'm knuckling down. 

Coming Up Next

From now on out, I'm focusing on qualifying myself to help others on this very journey. I'm practicing what I preach and it's my aim and goal to demonstrate how being your own boss in whatever way can change your life. 

Progress will be logged via vlogs on the YouTube channel and blogs will focus on the tools and tactics I  have used and the schedule that I've come up with. Blogs will be weekly. What a rod to make! Equally, what an adventure!

Your support as always is so much appreciated and I love to read your comments and stories. I look forward to it.  How do YOU move forward in your goals and what are your tools?

Here goes... 



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