17) Best things about Seasons and Change?


What’s so Good About Seasons?

By Sindy Wakeham

“It’s been autumn proper for a couple of weeks now and I’m just not ready for it or for the winter!!! It’s cold, windy and too often, WET!!! SAD is setting in already and we’ve already seen those imminent blooming energy price hikes just before we get to winter and I’m flat broke, for now”.

That's the usual emotion around the colder darker months as we leave behind a warmer summer. Today I have another perspective to offer that’ll get you in the celebration mood for the seasons and find joy in them.

A Scales Perspective

Seasons and change sometimes leave us ‘in two minds’ with divided emotions.

On the one hand, there’s apprehension for the colder, darker months with the many more layers and discomfort. Maybe you haven’t prepared and made sure you have warm weatherproof footwear, made sure your coats are clean and in good repair (or bought a new one). Maybe you’re not a soup and stew fan because that’s what you associate with winter and food.

On the other hand autumn brings opportunities for fun activities. It’s the harvest season and you look forward to harvesting not just food if you have a garden but memories that may keep you fuelled up with energy in anticipation of next summer.

We get energy in autumn spurring us on to move furniture, decorate and get cosy ready for winter. Before you know it, November arrives and we are thinking about decorating for Christmas, even if you aren’t religious.

December brings a kind of energy you simply cannot find any other time of the year. Well, I do when I put Christmas tunes on while making Christmas crafts midyear. It simply has to be done. Winter and Christmas go hand in hand.  

I don’t care what anyone says, I grew up in the Southern hemisphere. It’s summer there at Christmas time. The difference was clear on my very first Christmas in the UK! I prefer a Northern hemisphere Christmas thank you very much!

How can seasons be good for us?

We only have to look at nature to see how important and beautiful change and seasons can be. Animals literally squirreling away nuts and seeds for the winter or fattening up for hibernation or a long flight to warmer climes throughout the summer.  

During winter, spring is already happening underground as bulbs begin to wake up even though it might be at least 2 months before you see evidence above ground. It seems as though the trees and other perennial plants are fast asleep, preparing for a growth spurt in the spring.

Patterns, Times and Seasons 

I suggest that we too begin to muster the energy for the following year only as we rest from the last seasons. Our winter crosses us over from one year to another. It’s like a natural long day. We wake in spring with energy to prepare for the main growing season (growing, progressing, learning and working-summer). We reap the fruits of our labours (autumn harvests) to get us ready for a night of rest to recover and reenergise(winter) for the next day (or year).

Can you see the repeated patterns?  

In the same way, seasons and change are opportunities. You know my motto by now. Every problem has a solution and the solution is often in the problem.  

The darker and colder times might be difficult on the outside but in fact, without them, how could we ever recognise and appreciate the brighter, sunnier times? You cannot have one without the other and expect to reach full potential growth without the contrast.

Look back at the last dark time in your life and think about when you came out the other side. How relieved were you for that? It’s the same with all change. It can be scary and unnerving to start with. It can take courage to face but if done with some preparation and retraining the brain, it can be an adventure.

I heard someone say that the very feeling of fear is exactly the same as excitement. Is the glass half empty or half full? Looks like it’s down to making a choice about how we see those unsettling times and seasons.

Easy said and sometimes not so easily done. A number of years’ experience evident in my hair, I can confidently say that there IS a lot to look forward to and enjoy even in the middle of darkness. After all, even Christmas lights don’t look anything as impressive during the day as they do at night. They lift the soul and the mood.

Soak it Up, Eat it Up, Laugh it Up

As I’m writing this on what started as a very autumnal day now looking out of the window, the most glorious blue sky is crisp and bright light floods the day! I’m about to grasp the moment to get the bread in the oven and get outside to soak in some of that precious sunshine.

One of the most valuable things you can do for your physical and mental health in autumn and winter is to get outside on those drier days and let in as much daylight, even if not sunshine and fresh air as possible.

And if you don’t fancy soup or stew, a good hot chilli or spag-boll will lift and warm just as much.

Put on some uplifting seasonal music and socialise...if that’s what you like. Do things that make you happy. 

How will you be preparing for the autumn and winter to keep your mood up and enjoy all the good things about the darker colder months?

If you have any ideas to share, please do. I look forward to reading your comments.


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